
Showing posts from December, 2009

Junior College!

Dear friends and family, I am happy to report that I am now officially enrolled for classes at the Junior College here in Tyler, Tx. I have been reading every college material I can get my hands on to educate myself about scholarship/grant opportunities. Going to a junior College will lower my expenses and will make it easier for payments to be completed. I know for sure that I can at least make it through my first semester, debt-free. I will get awarded with a Pell grant from FAFSA, which will cover the cost of tuition, fees, and books. If the grant is sufficient, which I trust the Lord it will be, I will also be able to buy a much needed laptop! So, praise the Lord for this. I thank each and every one of you that have spent time in prayer for me about going to College. You are all very special to me, and I am so glad that God has placed you in my life; things would not have been the same without you. You are, indeed a person of great value to me. May the Lord hear you, and grant you ...

A Little Faith

Last week, on Monday, my cousin asked me, "So, what do you want for Christmas?" I gave her an "I don't know" look and said, "Nothing, I guess" so she left me alone. On Tuesday, my brother asked me, "What are you getting mom for Christmas?" And I said, "Nothing, I guess". On Wednesday after I finished bathing my dog, I asked her, "You think I should get anybody anything for Christmas?" and she shook her whole body to dry off, "Yeah, I guess your right" I said. On Thursday I went for a walk and one of my neighbors sitting out on their porch waved at me wishing me a Merry Christmas and said, "Are you going anywhere special for Christmas?" I was surprised by the question, but answered simply, "No. Nowhere special, I guess" and I walked on. Friday, I got a Christmas card in the mail from a good friend that read, "Dear Ruth, I hope you are well. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you...