My parents are still in the states, I don't think they know when they're coming back. But after lots of prayer, my dad finally got the job we wanted him to get. He will be working at a Prison... kind of like a guard... but I think, and deep down I know, that God will use him there with the prisoners. I think God is not placing my dad in a prison, He is placing him in a full-time ministry where lives will be changed and hearts will turn to Christ. Please be praying for him, for the people, and for the whole "ministry". My brother Shem will go to college and study to be a detective, he is so excited... and my mom is studying for her GED test... she is very brave -I think- because she didn't even finish junior high when she was in school. She had to leave school at a very young age due to money problems... and now, she's doing High School level work and in a language that is not her first!!... after years of not doing any school work, I think it must be dif...