
Showing posts from 2006

Good News!

God is sooooo good! The lady we visited yesterday got saved! Praise the Lord. God is so merciful. When we arrived at a mountainous place, we got out of the truck and began hiking up th mountain. Wes was right there also, despite the rocks and thorny branches he was faithfully following God's calling. Wes found himself a cane (stick) along the way to help him climb up that mountain. When we saw the lady and her children we decided to rest there and they started a fire. And later they had a picknic, they made some "tacos", I have to say they were really good. The kids then got bored and took a hike! That was a great opportunity to talk to the lady without disturbance, although the kids were yelling pretty loudly. But the lady was so open, it's like God had already prepared her heart and was only waiting on us to go and share the Good News with her! She was really happy that we did! Afterwords, they accompanied us to the truck and we gave them some clothes and they were ...

I'm in Mexico!!!!!

Hello all, The day before yesterday My mom, lil bro, Wes (a brother from Church), and I traveled to Mexico from Austin! Wes drove from Austin to somewhere before Edinburg. My mom took it from there till we got to Matehuala and Wes drove from there to San Luis. From there my mom drove us all the way to my Grandma's house. Today we've been sorting out the donated clothes because tomorrow we will go visit a lady to share the Gospel with her and give her and her family some clothes! I myself am taking some of my clothes to give away! Hopefully God will work and do great things tomorrow in the lives of many people! Thanks to all who donated clothing, it could change someone's life! Hopefully I will be able to post again tomorrow or some time soon. God Bless

We Are Loved!

What is CCI? CCI is not a building, not even a curriculum. It is not a schooling system. CCI is all of us, we are CCI. We are servants, teachers, students, mothers, sons, daughters and fathers. We are God’s children, sons and daughters of the most high king. But most of all it has taught me to be a hard worker! We are a family that love and support each other unconditionally. 1 John 3: 14 says, “ We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.” This is a sure sign that we have eternal life. CCI has taught me many things. It has taught me to be patient, kind, submissive, selfless, compassionate, humble and loving. On Laura Tanner’s birthday party, my mother and I stayed at the party with my little brother. There, I met a girl named Catherine. We had a good time, playing on the swings She really enjoyed it. I was very glad that I could love on Catherine that day, she was blessed by the simple fact that I took time to love on her. It did...

Never Too Late!

Often, when I heard about the stories and parables that I read in the Bible, I’ve judged the actions of those characters. “If I were him/her, I wouldn’t have done that foolish thing. I would have listened to God and done the right thing.” I thought to myself. But later I found out that, even if those people didn’t do the right thing, I do not have the right or authority to judge them. For example: The parable of the Ten Virgins: Matthew 25 (NIV) 1 "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps…. 6 at midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him! 7 Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going o...


I have some questions for all of my fans out there, waiting to hear from me!! (Just kidding) Where did sin originate? I mean, obviously sin comes from Satan, right? And Satan was prideful (that is where sin first came into existence) But where in the world did pride come from in the first place? Why did sin first occur in heaven? Isn't heaven a perfect place, where sin abideth not? These are some questions that I and people from my youth group have encountered lately and we need a little help to find the answers! Hope to hear from lots of people!! Loving all, in Christ: Ruth Romer!

A mortal’s dream

~This is me in Mexico last summer!! And just in case you don't get it: This pic has nothing to do with what I wrote, only that I was in Mexico. The crowd immediately gathered at the sound of the trumpet. Every eye steady, every glance waiting, nervous and unstable. Each person had already found a seat near their loved ones. I held my oldest brother’s hand, he held our youngest brother and I with my other had held my older brother’s hand and marched ahead to a front row near the platform and we sat next to a man whose face showed love to all who looked upon it. The man shook us by the hand and said, “Hello, my name is Federico,” and nodded to me with a knowing gaze which I held for only a short moment. I introduced my brothers and myself, very lady-like and polite. It was only after we sat down that I realized the man was not really a man, he was ghost-like. It was also then when I realized I knew him, I had seen him before, he was… I couldn’t recall, but I knew he seemed familiar...

New B-l-o-g

DON'T YOU JUST LOVE THAT KITTIE?!?! Hi Ya'll, I had an awesome time with you at the Acuña mission trip. And I love translating for you, it was great. Although, I am feeling kinda pitiful, this is my new blog thing, whateva ya call it and I have no Pics!!!!!! I neeeeeeeeeeeed you all to send me some pics of Acuña. I think we all need keep in contact cuz its always neato to have friends all over da world!!! I am not all that talkative but I try to comunicate with awesome people I have met at mission trips like you guys!!! This trip to Acuña was like the most tiring I have ever been to (and I have been to like a million mission trips), but it was also the one I have most enjoyed that's why I decided to B-l-o-g!!! YA'LL DON'T LEAVE ME TALKING TO MYSELF, YOU BETTER ADD SOME COMMENTS!!!!!! ~Ruthie~