All I seek

Friends, family, and loved ones...
I want to share with you a prayer I wrote on Friday. Enjoy, and let the words sink in, finding meaning in every line. God bless you all!

O, Lord, your thoughts from me are hidden
Your wisdom, Lord, I seek and hunt after
I plead at her door for understanding
Your footsteps, Father, I have tried to find
But the sand was soft and the waters covered them
I've retraced my own steps to find the way,
But alas, O, Lord, my heart weeps within me
For my soul fears I am lost forever
God of my forefathers, see my great despair
And tend to my distress, anoint my wounds
My weary body faints, so at your feet I lay
You clothe me with righteousness and Grace
My heart you have bound with truth and love
O Lord your face I long to see and contemplate
Your knowledge I treasure up within me
Mine eyes are awake, your great wonders to behold
Your Glory, a vastness unfathomable to me
Grant me, Lord, even the slightest step toward
understanding, for your wisdom, Lord,
is all I seek. AMEN

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