Holy Love
To think that there are around 7 billion people on earth and every single one is different and unique. It is fascinating to me that each person has their own personality and their own quirks that are not found in anyone else. How amazing is the God who made us all! I see my coworkers and have noticed their quirks and have come to love them each. This week, I have been overwhelmed at the love I feel for these people I work with. I am sure this love is from the Lord, for I could not muster such drenching and heart-burdening love for anyone. The skeptic inside me asked my subconscious why I feel this way for it is truly not like me. I found that the only explanation, the only reason is Jesus. Only Jesus could love those who do not even care to ponder His existence. Only He could love a people whose heart is far from Him. Only He could feel such rooted compassion for a lost generation and for good reason- He created them! Each in his/her own way. Such care, such love. O, How deep the Father's love for us. And yet, we mustn't forget that He is also just.
"Holy love is not weakness or permissiveness but contains a severity that is totally foreign to the popular understanding of love. Its method is to uproot and attack all that is not of God. It is a judging as well as a redeeming love. It entails the disciplining and chastening of the children of God (Prov. 3:11). Love can be so merciful that it sometimes appears devoid of mercy. Meister Eckhart rightly observed, with reference to the Song of Solomon: 'Love is as strong as death and harder than hell'" (Essentials of Evangelical Theology, volume 1, p. 33).
I fear and tremble for my own sinfulness, but also for my coworkers'. This is what we must pray for- that the world will see He is loving and forgiving, but also that His love is not weak, but it is severing and chastening. We must aim to present the truth in as raw a form as possible, however harsh it may seem.
"Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy" Proverbs 27:5-6.
Let us put away the meager love we are offered by this world and the lust we are seduced with by the enemy and let us seek diligently the true and faithful love of the Father. May His redeeming love fill every corner of our being and embrace every inch of our soul. May we be engulfed and swallowed whole into his perfect, holy love.