Our trip to Yospi was rich in blessings and work.
A brother from an English-speaking church, Jim
Bloomstrand, drove Mary, my aunt, and me to
Yospi. We stayed there 3 days along with a group
from San Luis Potosí that joined us a day later.
We departed on the 2nd of July and arrived at
Yospi in mid-afternoon. The whole 2-hour trip there was rainy and humid.
My aunt, Mary, had made some wooden furniture we were going to take to Yospi for the family we were going to stay with. She made it so that it could fold up and we could take it in a pickup truck.
We installed the furniture right away, as soon as
we arrived. The children were all so overwhelmed to watch us put it together and
they were very happy to have us there too.
Mary and I stayed with brother Francisco's
family, in his home. He has 8 eight children, 5
girls and 3 boys. Mary had also taken some spare
wood to see if we could make a last minute piece of furniture... we ended up making a little
restroom... well, brother Julio did most of it, we just helped a little.
Then the boys from San Luis painted the
furniture and the girls helped with the food. I
helped brother Julio along with one of the boys
from San Luis, with the bathroom.
The place where we went to is located deep in the heart of Mexico, up in the mountains where you can hardly tell anyone lives there at all. The small village we went to is called, 'Palo Seco' and is composed of 8 families (8 different houses). So there's a lot of children.
We played with the kids and they were so happy. I am glad we were able to influence their lives and that we, as well, were influenced by God's presence being there among us.
Brother Julio and Brother Francisco taught us a few songs in Otomi. Here is a picture of us singing. It was difficult to pronounce but with their help and our own willingness to learn we succeded and most of us even memorized 2 songs. I know I did, and I will never forget them!
Besides physical work, we were also blessed to minister the families there by prayer. God manifested himself in each and everyone. His presence could be sensed so clearly that nearly everyone was, if not speaking in tongues, praying aloud with an amazing power in their lips. It reminded me of the time when the apostles began speaking in tongues and had small tongues of fire above their heads. Then, we prayed a special blessing over the children. It was really an amazing time with all of them.
God moved the hearts of many people and there was a great revival in all of us.
The purpose of our mission trip was to encourage those families in the Lord. I think God knew all the whys and the hows since before we thought about going there. He worked in everyone, not only in them, but in us as well.
We went to be a blessing, and we were blessed.
We went to encourage, and we were encouraged.
We went to minister, and we were ministered.
We went to worship God, and we did it together!
Thank you for your prayers and support. And please keep praying so that we may be able to make another trip like this one!
Also, if you would like to support this ministry financially, contact us:
P.S. There is also a spanish format of our newsletter, let us know if you would like a copy of it. God Bless you.