Merry Christmas

Dear people, Thank you for your continuous prayers and for keeping up with the latest news. I have not been writing much lately, mostly because these past few weeks, life has been exceedingly busy for me. There have been many things going on! I didn’t even get to talk about Thanksgiving, we had an amazing meal at home and gave thanks, it was really a beautiful time with the family and a few guests we invited. It is always a wonderful time to think about all the miracles and blessings God has given us throughout the year. I think the most wonderful blessing I could ever think of is my family. And I’m sure there must be another million things I am thankful for. Anyway, On Saturday I went on a trip to YOSPI, AMEALCO. Some church members from San Luis Potosi took some gifts for the children of the church in Yospi. Brother Jim took us in his Jeep along with Brian who is in Mexico taking spanish. Mary organized the trip and my aunt Neomi came with us too. Yesterday night we went to an awesom...