
Showing posts from 2008

Merry Christmas

Dear people, Thank you for your continuous prayers and for keeping up with the latest news. I have not been writing much lately, mostly because these past few weeks, life has been exceedingly busy for me. There have been many things going on! I didn’t even get to talk about Thanksgiving, we had an amazing meal at home and gave thanks, it was really a beautiful time with the family and a few guests we invited. It is always a wonderful time to think about all the miracles and blessings God has given us throughout the year. I think the most wonderful blessing I could ever think of is my family. And I’m sure there must be another million things I am thankful for. Anyway, On Saturday I went on a trip to YOSPI, AMEALCO. Some church members from San Luis Potosi took some gifts for the children of the church in Yospi. Brother Jim took us in his Jeep along with Brian who is in Mexico taking spanish. Mary organized the trip and my aunt Neomi came with us too. Yesterday night we went to an awesom...


Hello friends, family, and other amazing people! Up until now, Daddy is still working at the prison but is looking for a car that is not expensive and not too old! Mom is currently in Wheaton, IL. visiting my brother Sam. Shem hasn’t had much work, so please keep him in your prayers. Next week end, on the 14th of this month, Mary, brother Jim and I will be making another trip to Yospi. We’ll be visiting the folks there, whom we miss a great deal and hope to spend a good two days in the Lord with them! Please pray for that trip to be a blessing, the funds and safety for all. Another thing I had been thinking about is Halloween. I know we’re in November already but too many questions came up about it. Questions like: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Or is it Christ-like to go trick-or-treating? Or should we dress up in costumes? And I don’t know about you all… But I have never in my whole life been trick-or-treating, I’ve never wished to celebrate Halloween just to ...


Well, Hello every one! Some days, I get disapointed about my blog, because rarely is it viewed and when it is, I lack the knowledge of it. Other days, I even forget about my blog. So I want to encourage every one that knows me and/or visits this blog, to keep visiting it and to let me know and send a short email or something... it doesn't have to be long! Here is an update from my Aunt Mary from an email she sent: "I want to let you know that I am still working in the “day center” (where we help children that are in danger of becoming “street kids”). Every day is a spiritual war, so I ask for your prayers. This Monday when we were going to take the children to their school, two of the 6-year olds, crossed the street on their own, withouth listening to the instructions given to everybody to cross together. God protected them from a terrible accident. But I felt very weak after that, from the dread I had felt. But thank God I am better now. And we have taken new measures of prev...


Hey all, Time is like thin ice, so I got to run, but I want to let you know more about the ministries Dad and y aunt Mary have been placed in. She has been working with an organization called "day center." It's like day care but for older children. Children that are left alone at home most of the day because their parents work allday and can't afford a place to send them when they're not in school.Some of the kids don't even go to school. Mary, my aunt, has 8 kidswhose ages range from 8-13. Only 3 of them are girls and the rest, aremischievous boys. Sadly, those kids use very dirty and aggressivelanguage. So it has been difficult for my aunt because she grew up ina very distinct place, a Christian home! But those kids have no placeto really call home. The place where they live is a disaster, wheremany times the father is drunk or on drugs, as well as the olderbrother or sister. The mother usually out working and probablyfrustrated when she gets home. It is a d...


My parents are still in the states, I don't think they know when they're coming back. But after lots of prayer, my dad finally got the job we wanted him to get. He will be working at a Prison... kind of like a guard... but I think, and deep down I know, that God will use him there with the prisoners. I think God is not placing my dad in a prison, He is placing him in a full-time ministry where lives will be changed and hearts will turn to Christ. Please be praying for him, for the people, and for the whole "ministry". My brother Shem will go to college and study to be a detective, he is so excited... and my mom is studying for her GED test... she is very brave -I think- because she didn't even finish junior high when she was in school. She had to leave school at a very young age due to money problems... and now, she's doing High School level work and in a language that is not her first!!... after years of not doing any school work, I think it must be dif...


Okey dokey... I am so glad I have been getting a few comments now... Last week, I started some music lessons... I do not like the teacher very much because he is a little rude, but I have learned a few things and reviewd others I knew already, which is nice. And I have gotten to know my classmates better... they are all so nice! Hopefully the teacher will improve his attitude toward us when we talk to him about it tomorrow. If he does not, my classmates and I have decided to talk to the principal and let him know so that they can talk to him or find another teacher who can do the job in his place! I have been studying like crazy these past few months, in order to catch up with the credits I was missing for College... but the goal seems far away still. Please pray for me so that I am able to finish all my credits on time and well. I want to go to college pretty soon and I still don't have the funds for it so please be praying for that too. Thank you all for your prayers and I...


Finally, I have the pictures here! The kids had a blast and they enjoyed it so much. Two people from different churches sent us a donation to be able to afford the cost of two of the children. Mary and I provided enough money for one and each of them gave a little money... so we were able to take 4 children to the camp. They were ministered to and loved on and I believe they truly experienced an anointing from God. Mary and I couldn't go because of our jobs but we entrusted the kids to the camp leaders' care. And since we didn't go, we only took pictures of when they left and when we picked them up! God Bless you


Hey all!! God has been so great. Somehow, God provided for 4 children from the kids club my aunt has every saturday, to go to camp this week. They will be back this Friday! I am so happy.... they were really excited too. None of them are Christian but they were all willing to go and were open to something new which is a big plus for us. I will post some pictures later when they come back and I can tell you all about the camp and how they liked it! Please pray for them this week... pray that God will minister to them and that they may be able to understand that salvation is the most important part of out lives as humans and that we cannot be complete without our creator. Pray that they also have a good time and make new friends. Well, this was a just a quick update, if anyone still reads this blog!! I encourage you to visit my blog at least every two weeks... I will make an extra effort to update it more often! I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray that h...


Our trip to Yospi was rich in blessings and work. A brother from an English-speaking church, Jim Bloomstrand, drove Mary, my aunt, and me to Yospi. We stayed there 3 days along with a group from San Luis Potosí that joined us a day later. We departed on the 2nd of July and arrived at Yospi in mid-afternoon. The whole 2-hour trip there was rainy and humid. My aunt, Mary, had made some wooden furniture we were going to take to Yospi for the family we were going to stay with. She made it so that it could fold up and we could take it in a pickup truck. We installed the furniture right away, as soon as we arrived. The children were all so overwhelmed to watch us put it together and they were very happy to have us there too. Mary and I stayed with brother Francisco's family, in his home. He has 8 eight children, 5 girls and 3 boys. Mary had also taken some spare wood to see if we could make a last minute piece of furniture... we ended up making a little restroom... well, brother Julio di...


Today is my lil brother's birthday... but we celebrated his party on saturday! I will post some pictures later because this computer won't allow me to. And my cousin, a little girl, was born today at 1:00 am. Tomorrow my aunt Mary and I are leaving for Yospi, a place up in the mountains, deep in the heart of Queretaro where the Ottomi Indians live... They are very poor people but very hospitable. My aunt lived amongst them for 2 and a half years. She was there as a missionary. She had to live like them and dress like them in order for the people to accept her. Since then they have come to know God better and there are now several Christians there and a church is up and running. God has blessed them so much and we still keep in touch with them. This week we want to go to encourage them to keep pressing on in the things of the Lord. And encourage them not to give up... because it is very difficult for them. Most of the people do not have a means of transportation although there i...

What is Love?

Hello my dear audience, Yesterday was my 19th Birthday. We didn't make a big party or anything... As a matter of fact It was mostly just a regular day with my family... And of course, I got the best gift of all: The gift of LOVE. God has been so great to me and my family. I love my family members so much, they are awesome people and they love me so much! I think the only gift I know that is worth everything, is the gift of love. Recently I thought about buying my electricity teacher a gift and I looked in several stores but found nothing that actually seemed worth the trouble at all. Therefore I decided that the best gift ever is the gift of love. You may be thinking that that would be an akward gift... but first you must ask yourself, what is love, really? Love is patient, Love is true, Love is not jelouse, Love sacrifices... Love never ends, it does not hate, it never reproaches, it GIVES. Loving is sacrificing... it's giving... giving of our time, our attention, our care, ou...

Alone yet accompanied

Hello All... (I don' know who "All" is but hello anyway-LOL) Here is a picture of my three, very handsome brothers! The one with the blue suit is Sam, the one on the right is Shem, and the little one is Enoch. This pic was taken up in Wheaton, Illinois where my brother Sam lives. Right now, my brother Shem is here with us (in Mexico) because he hurt his foot and wasn't able to walk but now he has started to walk on it and it still hurts but he's getting better, thank God! My little bro is doing pretty good in school. Now, Sam, he's still up in Wheaton, working. He wants (or wanted) to go to college but he was never able to because he either worked or studied... Please pray for him! Also pray that he will get on fire for God because he's been kind of avoiding God... and avoiding my mom too! I have been doing CCI still, but it's hard to do it by correspondence. Despite everything, I love school so much... I enjoy everything and try to learn from it as mu...